Yes, I do exist! Things have been a little crazy lately!!! I've fallen so far behind on blogging I don't know if I'll ever catch up. BUT! I have an excuse, a really really good one!

"getting off the couch to do anything but pee (again) is actually physically impossible".
Maybe it's the fact that it's been almost 5 years since I experienced the wonder of pregnancy
(sarcasm, me? no...)
maybe it's because I am 5 years older...
maybe baby #3 is gearing up to be another big'un and is making lots of extra hormones
(please baby, 9 pounds is truly my limit... I barely got the other 2 out!)
Whatever the reason, God has chosen to bless us with this precious little SURPRISE!!
and once we recovered from the
we started getting really excited.
We trust that God will provide, as He so graciously has up to this point.
And we will have another little baby to adore.
My husband and I both really love babies.
Even people who don't know me that well seem to know that I love babies.
I take that as a compliment!
At any rate, now that I have reached the 10 weeks and 4 days point,
I am slowly becoming human again.
I can function for a portion of each day; a marked improvement over the
5 weeks
I spent with my greatest accomplishment for the day being
"I ate today and didn't throw up."
OK I got a little more than that done;
being a business owner doesn't give you much choice in the matter!
However I admit I've been slower than usual.
I'm hopeful that once the dreaded - er, beautiful - first trimester ends,
I will be visited by the happy energy hormone fairy.
My mom promises I will, and I'm banking on it.
In April 2010, we will become a family of 5... and we couldn't be more thrilled.
Despite the challenges we face at this very busy time in our lives,
we know we can only be enriched by the presence of this new person.