Friday, February 19, 2010

2010 arrives with changes!

Hope you're having a fantastic year so far... it sure seems to be flying by!!

I've made some big changes, business-wise, starting this year.

From now on, I will be doing exclusively newborn photography and commercial/product photography. I want to focus on the areas that I love the most!

"Do what you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life."
- Confucius

Be on the lookout for new images... I'm in the process of updating the website with awesome new pics. It's a little slower going than usual since I'm now 8 months pregnant!!! Yep, baby girl will be here around the first week of April... we'll have a definite induction date soon (unless she has other plans of course lol).

Need newborn or product photography NOW? Just email me at and I'll get you all the info.