OH my goodness... I am sooo behind with blogging sessions... my excuse is I have had SO many it's all I can do to get them edited, uploaded, galleried, and emailed much less BLOG them too!
Luckily I am getting caught up (only 3 behind right now lol) so I'm going to take a moment (or 30) this morning and get my most recent sessions on here!
I'm going to start with my most favorite -- my baby girl turned one on April 2nd, and I spent the weekend documenting her... I want to be able to remember what she could do, and wanted to do, when she was exactly one year old. Even if you don't have a fancy camera, even if all you've got is a camera on your phone, give this a shot... on birthdays just follow your kid around and capture what they're into!
Here's my Em on her big day. :) I love this sweet baby so much!!!